Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Singin' the Email Blues

Submitted by Frances Fahey of Fran's Fine Editing.

       Please allow me a few moments to rant about proper email usage. I have written in the past about it, but apparently nobody read my emails.
       I have burrowed into my (admittedly disorganized, non-foldered) email list in the past to try to find a particular one, only to see that it didn't have a subject line, which is why I couldn't find it, or it doesn't have the person's current phone number on it, so I have to go elsewhere to find him, and then I find that another email didn't answer all of my questions, so I have to email her again.
         Not that I haven't been guilty of hitting the "send" button too soon, before double-checking that the attachment was there. At least it doesn't happen as often now as it did when I first started sending them as attachments 25 years ago (oops, did I just tell you my age? Please disregard).
       Val Nelson is a good writer, a good coach, and a good mentor from one of my women's groups.  Take her "E-tiquette Quiz" on email usage and tell me how you do. While you are there, read some of her other helpful tips on blogging and email marketing, too.

Frances Fahey
Fran's Fine Editing
 (413) 529-1189    
"I'll keep you composed"

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