Monday, February 7, 2011

Why I am a member of the local Chamber of Commerce

Food - plain and simple.  When an ambassador meeting involves Asian food from Bobby's Asian Grill & Sushi why wouldn't I join?  Now you must be thinking, are you kidding me - FOOD?

OK, so maybe it isn't just the food, but food is definitely part of it.  Let me go back to the beginning.

Long before I went into business for myself as a web designer I was a child in a family of six, a friend in the neighborhood, a classmate at school, and before long an engineer at a big company.  What do these all have in common?  Each stage in my life was surrounded by the support of others whom in the end became as dear to me as my family.

Four years ago I took a leap of faith and left my engineering job behind me.  I actually sat down and spoke with my paster about it.    Bernie said all I needed was faith that God would provide.  Here I was thinking how would my family survive without that big paycheck…  In the end my stubborn faith pushed me to shut the door and pray another one would open.

So I set out on my own, became my own boss and started designing websites.  This is GREAT, I'm home for the kids and I'm designing.  What more could I need?  It took me a year to realize what was missing!  Money for sure - but I'm not one to ogle over dollar signs.  I missed my colleagues and friends and lets face it people in general.

So on a Tuesday morning I had a tea and muffin with Kara at the
Tri-Town Chamber of Commerce and later the same day I enjoyed lunch at the Hockomock BNI chapter.      So yes I joined for food, food with others whom like me needed help being successful in business.   In addition to being a faithful person I also believe I am honest.  This is not a lie - I have never attended an event where there wasn't food.

So is food really the secret?  Three years later I'm happy to have my friends in business and my home-based business and without much worry money to show for my efforts.  Three years of meeting at least twice a week with friends over food to discuss how I can help their business and they can help mine - yes the most challenging of tasks are always understood more easily over the breaking of bread or egg roll in the case of Bobby's delicious food.

Yesterday I attended a luncheon once again, this time to recognize and applaud my fellow business friends at the Tri-Town Chamber of Commerce's annual Success & Service Awards.   To my great surprise I was the proud winner of the president's award.  On my plaque read "Commitment, Contribution and Community Service".   As I stood up to receive the award I thought to myself  -  did I do all those things?   Then it came to me - yes - while I sat among my friends enjoying food and drink we did work hard - didn't we. 
Cheers and God Bless,
Robin Clapp
Robin Clapp is the owner of Web Design by Robin.  She currently serves on the board of the Women's Business Network of Southeastern MA as the Leading Lady Webmaster.

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