Monday, March 14, 2011

Blogging is Writing!

Submission by Jen Vondenbrink - Life Simplified

 I was inspired to tag onto Fran’s Blog about Writer’s Block Unblocked.

     If you haven’t read the post, and you are thinking of doing any writing or blogging, I would encourage you to grab a cup of tea and read it.  She offers great grounded advice about writing.

    Why plug Fran’s post when I usually write about social media?

     Staring at a blank page, be it paper or computer, is just plain daunting.  You feel out of ideas and rather silly staring at the page before you.  Soon you find anything else to do besides writing…even laundry.

     For bloggers, it’s important to sit down on a regular basis and write.  Take it seriously.  You are a writer.  Stephen King didn’t casually write his books.  He sat down every day to write.  You as a blogger need to be just as disciplined.


     Because keeping your content fresh is the first step in gaining an audience.  Have you ever stumbled upon a blog and the last post was six months ago?  How much confidence do you have in the information the blogger shared?  In our own minds we can justify the vacation, but our readers don’t care.  They want consistent information they can count on.

     It’s a huge boost to your business when you do blog consistently.  As Robin Clapp can attest, the more your information gets shared around, the better your website/blog will come up in a search on Google.  This means your ideal customer, sitting right now at the computer looking for you can find you, easily.

     As Fran says “the more you write the easier it gets.”  So look at your calendar.  Set up a schedule.  And start writing.  Then follow Fran’s instructions:
The trick… is to just sit down at my computer and start writing what I know about the topic, even if it sounds weird. It physically and mentally loosens me up, like a warm-up exercise.

     I’ll add to that.  For bloggers, you don’t have to write a novel.  If you have 200 words, that’s fine.  Today many people prefer shorter blogs they can read on their phones, etc.  You’ll find some topics warrant a couple short posts rather than one long post.

     So what’s stopping you?  This is a great forum to practice.  With all the warm support at WBN, you can’t go wrong.  Can’t wait to see your next post.


Jen Vondenbrink
Life Simplified
Life Enrichment and Leadership Training781-864-1782


  1. Thanks for the plug, Jen! My own foray into blogging has been a challenge, and your advice is great. Every time I draft a post, I'm tempted to write that novel, and I need to realize that important ideas can be conveyed in just a few words.

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