General Info

We meet the second Tuesday of each month, September through June, at the Harbor One Credit Union, 131
Copeland Drive, Mansfield, from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM.

Members attend for free, and guests are welcome for $10.00 per meeting, which can be applied toward membership dues when joining by the subsequent meeting.

RSVPs or questions about meetings may be directed to

Members and guests are welcome to bring a small supply of their business cards and other information about their businesses for the display table at each meeting (plan on about 20 to 30 attendees per meeting). Coffee and water are provided. The agenda generally follows this format:

9:30 – 9:45        Sign in/Casual Networking
9:45 – 9:50        Welcome and Introductions
9:50 – 10:10        News and Announcements
10:10 – 10:45        Sixty-Second Spots: Each attendee presents their business to the group, limited
to sixty seconds each.
                             Acknowledgments: Attendees may thank those members of the group who have helped them over the past month.
10:45 – 11:30 Member or Guest Speaker Presentations: Members sign up in advance with Associate Director to make 10 minute in-depth presentations about their businesses; may use handouts, visual aids, etc. We also schedule a few business experts a year who may be of interest and value to the group as a whole.

WBN Mailings:

  •  WBN’s mailing lists consist of its paid members and a list of those who have asked to be informed of WBN events and information. We do not share our lists outside of WBN.
  •  Members enjoy the benefit of being able to post information about their own businesses to WBN’s mailing list, website calendar, Facebook group and LinkedIn group. We also publish information from anyone about business networking events that would be of interest to our members. We do not post announcements from non-members’ businesses if they are not directly related to women’s business development or networking.
  • We use Constant Contact® for our mailings, and limit them to once every week or every other week on Wednesday PM’s. To provide an item to post, members can email their request and the text to be posted to If it needs to be posted immediately, we can include it on our website calendar, or members can use the WBN blog instead (see below).

WBN Website and Blog:

  •  Our website is This site is a compendium of information about WBN and about anything of value to women businesses and business networking, especially in our region.
  •  LinkedIn . We urge all members to register with LinkedIn and join the WBN “group”. To maximize its usefulness to their businesses, we urge members to attend a free local LinkedIn seminar by contacting Tricia White, MA Small Business Development Center Southeast Regional Office
  •  WBN Blog –  – this blog is a source of information to deepen members’ knowledge of each others’ products, services and expertise. Each member is encouraged to provide us with a paragraph or two about a current project they are working on for posting. Members are encouraged to share their own newsletters or blog posts with the WBN membership.