Tuesday, October 25, 2011
9:30 am
Harbor One U, Mansfield
Limited seating available
Reserve your spot: info@wbnsema.org
Presentation Description: You have the floor! You're standing before a group of people who have the potential to make or break your business. What they choose is up to you. And, oh yeah, you have only 30 seconds to help them decide.
It seems like such a short amount of time. But think of the impact 30 seconds can have. It's the time it takes to tell a news story, air a commercial, burn 10 calories. It's also the time you have for your "elevator speech". Thirty seconds is all you have to sell yourself, your ideas, your business.
Getting that all in to a half a minute can seem overwhelming and sometimes, that translates to scattered thoughts and a bashful appearance.
"Seizing your Seconds" will help you overcome those obstacles, teaching you the tips and tools you need to stay focused, stay confident, stay in control of your presentation when every second counts.

Erica Ricci is a communication specialist and distinguished journalist. She’s held several positions in the television news industry in southern New England since 2002. Currently, she’s a general assignment reporter for FOX25 in Boston, but has also worked at WLNE and WJAR in Providence and at a cable news station in southeastern Massachusetts.
As a reporter, Erica has perfected the art of telling any story in a minute-and-a-half. She’s learned how to pull out the most important details and present them in a compelling, concise way that grabs her audience’s attention. Erica has also developed communication techniques to make people comfortable enough to share their story and convince them their story is worth telling.
Erica is a native New Englander, growing up in Rhode Island where she lives now with her family. Erica has her Bachelor’s Degree in Communications from Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA.
Find out more about Erica on her website: www.ericaricci.com/
Seating is limited. There is a $10 fee for guests. Free to WBN members.
Please reserve your space by email: info@wbnsema.org
Please use subject line “Sixty Seconds”
This event is sponsored by Women’s Business Network of Southeastern MA