Monday, March 28, 2011

You Are Not Alone…No One Told Us These Things

submission by Sara-Lynn Reynolds, Home Instead Senior Care

Keep in mind as the years go by that there are certain 'tid-bits' our parents ignored, didn't know, or just plain forgot to tell us about...and that you are NOT ALONE in this lack of knowledge.

     We were NOT told that any home with multiple stories would wreak havoc on the kneecaps or that a steady banister on each side of the stairs would actually be useful.

     We were NOT told that anniversaries, holidays and birthdays need to be celebrated with a designated driver. No one wanted to admit that one alcoholic beverage could knock them out or that caffeine would keep them up all night. 

     We were NOT told to put our house or car keys in the same spot every day so we didn’t have to rely on memory to find them.

     No one told us to beware of identity theft or mentioned the invasiveness of security checks at the airport because of one wants to admit that their finances and body just ain’t what it used to be…

     We were NOT told about constant maintenance and more maintenance of the mind, body and spirit. We were NOT told about the exhaustion that came with all that constant maintenance as well as a waistline that would continue to bloom regardless of what we did to decrease it.

     Finally, We were NOT told our parents were going to NEED us, or how we should take care of them.

Thankfully…the Baby Boomer generation has made head-way in that direction…For information on how to better care for yourself and your aging parents…Home Instead Senior Care

Sara-Lynn Reynolds-Community Liaison
Home Instead Senior Care
555 Pleasant Street, Suite #104,
Attleboro, MA 02703
508-222-0800 office
774-254-3413 cell

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