Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Time on Your Side

Submitted by Tamara Myles 

    One great way to increase productivity is to better manage your time. To begin, get an accurate gauge of the real time it takes to accomplish a variety of routine responsibilities.
    Use a kitchen timer to measure time spent on your work activities. You'll likely discover that most unpleasant tasks don't take as long as you think they will. And most pleasant things tend to drag out a bit longer than you'd expect. Then, use this information to help schedule future tasks. If checking and returning phone messages takes an hour each day (who knew?), then block off that amount of time for phone calls. Clearing off your desk by filing papers may seem like an unending job, but in reality, it may take only ten minutes. Now it seems more manageable!

     Then, become more productive by avoiding interruptions. Did you know that the average office worker is interrupted 73 times every day? Be prepared for these obstacles by setting aside time each day for "open office hours," and let your  colleagues know they can drop by during this time for  assistance.
     Use your lower-energy hours as your open office hours so you don't waste peak productivity periods. That way, you can devote time when your energy is highest to plow through your absolutely-must-do tasks.
    Close your door or consider putting up a "do not disturb" sign outside your doorway to let office mates know when you need privacy. Of course, emergencies will pop up occasionally, but by following these guidelines, your productivity will soar.

Tamara Myles
Tamara Myles Consulting

Note, The Women's Business Network of Southeastern Ma would like to congratulate Tamara on passing the exam to become a Certified Professional Organizer (CPO®). This certification is a voluntary, industry-led effort that benefits the members of the organizing profession, as well as the public. It recognizes those professionals who have met specific minimum standards, and prove through examination and client interaction that they possess the body of knowledge and experience required for certification. This program recognizes and raises industry standards, practices, and ethics. Certification of professional organizers maximizes the value received from the products and services provided by a CPO®.

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