Submitted by Marietta Z. Courtney, CPA, MST
Q. What is Tax Planning?
A. An analysis with the goal of helping you keep more of your hard earned money. It’s a tool to be used to help you make sound business decisions and minimize your taxes.
Q. Is it something only big companies do?
A. No. Everyone can benefit. You work hard for your money: going to trade shows, networking events, increasing your visibility, blogging, etc. You need this information to help you decide on your action steps. If you do nothing with it, its what the federal and state governments will tax you on and then there will be less money available for the business.
Q. Is it expensive?
A. It does not have to be. It can be as basic or detailed as you need. You can start by doing the analysis yourself. Then talk to your CPA about your results so you can decide on appropriate action steps together.
Q. Do I wait until the end of the year?
A. If you wait, it may be too late. The goal is to determine what you can do in 2011.
Example for a cash basis business: For Discussion Purposes Only
1. Determine your Net Income (Profit) or Net Loss - The total income for the year of your business (example- cash received) LESS total expenses (example- cash paid out and you may also have some non- cash expenses such as depreciation).
2 A. Are you left with a Profit ?– are there any items you’ve been meaning to buy for your business, any expenses coming due soon that you can pay before the end of the year, any groups your business was looking to join, did you want to sign up for training or conferences. Talk to your CPA to find out what additional deductions would be allowable.
2B. Are you showing a Loss? Have you had Losses in previous years and could your business be in danger of being treated as a hobby by the IRS? Talk to your CPA to find out if this is a concern for your business, what it would mean and if there is any additional income you can recognize this year.
REQUIRED DISCLOSURES: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, I inform you that any tax advice contained in this communication (including attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code.
Marietta Z. Courtney, CPA, MST
Serving Business and Individual Clients for Over 18 Years
(617) 416-2096