This is part 3 of the series "Do you own your website?". Today you will learn how Content Management Websites can give you control of your website.
Submitted by Robin Clapp - Web Design by Robin
In part 1 of this series you learned why it is important to own your website's domain name and how to check if you do. In part 2, I explained to those just starting out how to pick and purchase a domain name. Domain name ownership is an important piece of website ownership. However having your name listed as the registered owner is only half the story.Submitted by Robin Clapp - Web Design by Robin
Can you make changes to your website? And when I ask this question I'm assuming you are not a web coding guru but instead an everyday business owner rocking and rolling in what you do best, your business. If this is the case, then updating your website is a task that can be simplified by using a content management system.
Content Management Websites
I use the term "content management" all the time when I am referring to website design. Content management is just that - a system that manages content. When you use one with your website you are accomplishing content management electronically and online! How cool is that?Why is it so important to have a Content Management Website?
Better said do you have time and money to waste? A content management website allows you to make changes to the content of your website. If you don't have the ability to do it yourself you will have to pay your web designer to do it and it will get done when they fit you into their schedule (TIME and MONEY).I'm not saying that you shouldn't give someone else the task of updating your website content - I'm stressing that you should have the choice. What's the point of owning this really great marketing tool if you can't use it to promote your business at will?
In closing...
"Will I be able to update my website?" This is a question I hear everyday as a website designer and I feel it is one of the most important ones! If you are not asking this question - YOU SHOULD BE.Robin Clapp
Web Design by Robin